Top 3 Ad Networks For Small Publishers in 2021

If you are a small publisher & new blogger out there and looking for an ad network which lets you monetize your blog instantly then this article will help you alot because we have tried these networks and are going to provide a top 3 legit ad networks which ACTUALLY PAYS!

Yes, you heard it right. Top Ad networks, For Small Publishers, Instant Approval, Payment Proof etc.

Top 3 Ad Networks For Small Publishers

Well, AdSense is clearly on the top & also a great ad network out there because of the quality of their ads, contextual advertising, high revenue share, but the main problem with it is getting an approval from them. Due to their strict policies, getting approval is very hard for small or new publishers who want to monatize their site instantly.

However, there are many competitive ad networks in the industry but not all of these ad networks are legit or good. They don't pay small bloggers even when the minimum payout threshold is reached. Which is very sad because bloggers put their hard work to get some visitors but all of their work goes in vain.

But you no longer have to worry about that because we have find top 3 trustworthy and legit ad networks which actually PAYS!.

1: Propeller Ads

PropellerAds is an AdTech company, providing powerful performance marketing solutions on a global scale. Founded in 2011, the company rapidly became the leading popunder traffic network, and then expanded into the native advertising world, growing into the most high-end Adtech platform.

Approval: Instant

Payment Frequency: NET30

Country: UK

Minimum Payment: 5$

Payment Methods: PayPal, Payoneer, Wire, Webmoney

Type: CPM

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Dated: 2020-12-22

2: PopAds

PopAds is simply the best paying advertising network specialized in popunders on the Internet. We guarantee you that no other popunder ad network will pay better than us! Just register and see for yourself. Prepare to be astonished!

Approval: Instant

Payment Frequency: Auto(On request)

Country: US

Minimum Payment: 5$

Payment Methods: PayPal, Payoneer, Wire

Type: POP

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3: Infolinks

Infolinks is an exclusive ad marketplace that enables advertising with contextual intent targeting and high viewability across exclusive quality publisher placements. This rare combination achieves very successful outcomes.

Infolinks’ proprietary real-time contextual technology identifies intent and engagement on the page. This enables maximum viewability and performance on each ad impression we deliver within a cookieless world.

Approval: 1-2 Business Days

Payment Frequency: NET45

Country: US

Minimum Payment: 50$

Payment Methods: PayPal, Payoneer, Wire, Webmoney

Type: CPM, CPC, In-text

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So, this is it for Top 3 Ad Networks For Small Publishers. Please comment below to share your experience with these ad networks. We'll be very happy to know about it.

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